Getting family photos with little kids can be easier said than done. You have your outfit ready, you have everything planned to the T. And when it's time to start, all hell breaks loose.
Your little one refuses to wear the outfit, they haven't slept all day because of the excitement and everyone is stressed and high strung because the child just won't cooperate.
Yowza! That can feel like a lot. That's where I come in. In the decade that I have been working with kids of all ages, I have a simple list of 3 tips that will reduce all the stress by 95% (we have to keep some percentage for the crazy fun stuff).
Tip #1 - Prepare your child for the photoshoot
Like with any big change, encounter or challenge, preparing your child for the upcoming photoshoot is your number 1 stress busting go-to to ensure that the shoot goes smoothly. Here are some guidelines I recommend parents go through to help ready their child (of any age really) for what to expect.
Start a week in advance. Explain to them in simple language that the family will be taking photos together. Let them in on the details. Paint a picture of the location you will go to, what they are likely to see, what the family will be wearing, who will be part of the shoot, what is expected of them during the shoot, etc.
Everyday remind them of the photoshoot, again running through the details, especially what they will be required to do - pose with the family, take instructions from the photographer, smile, listen to guidelines when directed, safety during the shoot etc.
Tip #2 - Include them in the shoot planning
I have had a lot of kids refuse to wear the clothes their parents pick out for them on the day of the shoot. There can be anything from being upset over the choice or flat out meltdowns.
Kids love to be in on the planning. Along with my previous tip, include your child in the planning of the shoot. Allow them to have their own agency in picking out their outfit, poses on shoot day, maybe even the location. They might surprise you with their innovative choices and it's bound to make your shoot more memorable.
Tip #3 - Keep your child's day calm, body restful and belly full
A rested child (and let's face it, adult as well) makes a shoot experience infinitely easier and more fun. Keep all your stuff ready the day before to ensure that on the day of the shoot, everyone can spend time relaxing, resting, cuddling and keeping things calm. If you can get your child to nap at some point in the day before the shoot, that would be the cherry on top of the cake.
Make sure everyone has had a good meal or snack an hour before the shoot and also remember to carry ample water and a snack for your child that's not messy or difficult to eat on the go. Fruit is a great option and should the child require, can also be incorporated into the shoot.
And that's it. If you follow these 3 simple steps before you shoot it will improve your photo experience infinitely better. Once you are on location, leave the rest to your photographer to guide your through your session. Even if there is a situation, a child that knows the plan, has been involved in the details, has had a calm day and eaten well, will be able to bounce back much easier than a child who is clueless.
Leave a comment if you have any tips of your own that I could try to incorporate into my shoot regime with families who have young kids.